LinkedIn resources from Social Media Breakfast

Group of 6 speakers standing in front of a sign that says Have a Great Rest of the Day
Mykl Roventine, Luis Moreno, Missy Voronyak, Gina Meixner, Howie Chan and Jen Roventine at Social Media Breakfast.

There’s been a noticeable uptick in LinkedIn profile updates in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area following last week’s Social Media Breakfast, where I had the pleasure of serving as the moderator. The event, focused on leveraging LinkedIn, attracted a wide range of attendees, from job seekers to social media managers, comms managers and business owners, all eager to step up their LinkedIn game. There have been a lot of great posts following the event with insights and key takeaways – check out these posts by Alena Finsky, Kevin Hunt, and Syoni Revollo to dig into them and join the conversation.

Three local experts made up the panel, each bringing unique backgrounds and perspectives: Howie Chan – a personal and professional branding consultant, Gina Meixner – a Career Counselor for the State of Minnesota who helps people in career transition, and Luis Moreno -a leadership educator on human centered leadership and emotional intelligence.

Below are LinkedIn guides and additional resources which may be helpful:

LinkedIn Resources

Local Photographers for Headshots

While a professional headshot isn’t necessary, it can help you make a positive impression. This is especially true for senior leaders and those in the C-Suite (or on their way). If you’re taking the DIY approach, ask a friend to take a photo (or use a tripod), and seek out natural light. Here are five local resources for photographers we recommend in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area if you’d like to go the pro route.

Federal and State Support

If you’re in transition, especially if it wasn’t by choice, look into the US Department of Labor Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Dislocated Worker Program to see if you qualify for benefits and to find helpful resources. If you’re in Minnesota, Gina recommends calling a CareerForce location or reach out to a dislocated worker service provider to find out if you are eligible for Dislocated Worker services to potentially receive career planning and counseling, counselor-approved training, job search and placement services, and limited funds for support services. Some people may qualify for resources to start or grow a business through CLIMB.

Attend a Future Social Media Breakfast

A huge thank you to Mykl and Jen Roventine, the organizers behind Social Media Breakfast – Minneapolis/Saint Paul, for their dedication to creating such a dynamic and educational event. Sign up for the Social Media Breakfast email list to hear about future events.

How I Can Help

l provide LinkedIn profile and content strategy for senior leaders/execs for thought leadership and give team workshops/trainings. I also hold two slots a month to help individuals optimize their LinkedIn profiles. Reach out to learn more.